return policy
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us. Your satisfaction is our ultimate concern. Authorization is required for any shipment return. You can request a return on our website in the my account menu and Return & Warranty. Describe the items being returned and the reason. All returned items must be shipped within eight (8) days of receipt. Items must be unused and in original condition including the original packaging, documentation, warranty cards, manuals, and accessories.
All orders filled correctly are subject to a handling and restocking charge of 40,00 €. Customers are responsible for all shipping charges, unless the cause for the return is a Micro Matic error. For your protection, we recommend you insure all returned packages. Micro Matic is not responsible for returned shipments that are lost, pilfered, or damaged.
Cancellations or refusal of orders, which have already shipped, are subject to a handling and restocking charge of 40,00 € as well as no refund for shipping charges.
non-returnable products
Custom made, manufactured/purchased to order, or clearance products cannot be returned for credit unless it is a Micro Matic or vendor error.
refund processing time
Our warehouse and customer service staff work hard to process returns as quickly as possible. But processing returns, and posting credit notes, can be complicated. Once returns are received, please allow up to 10 business days for a refund to be posted.